The Mid-Atlantic ADA Center provides information, guidance, and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), tailored to meet the needs of businesses, government entities, organizations, and individuals in the Mid-Atlantic Region (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, and WV).

The Mid-Atlantic ADA Center provides information, guidance, and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), tailored to meet the needs of businesses, government entities, organizations, and individuals in the Mid-Atlantic Region (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, and WV).
Resource Networks
We participate in a number of Resource Networks that work to foster peer support and collaboration, deliver training, and distribute materials related to the ADA.
The ADA National Network
Learn more about the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center, and if you’re outside our region, visit the ADA National Network (ADANN) to locate your regional center.
Check Out Our Latest Video on How to Make Your Business More Welcoming to Customers with Disabilities
This recorded webinar will help you understand how you can expand your customer base and increase your bottom line by making your business more accessible to customers with disabilities.
You’ll gain a better understanding of how common elements, such as accessible parking and entrances, clear routes to enter and move around facilities, user-friendly sales and service counters, and other features can help you ensure that all customers feel welcomed and included.

A Comparison of ADA, IDEA, and Section 504
Public education, from elementary through high school, is a fundamental right for all children in this country. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act may affect public education for children with disabilities. This document provides a simple comparison of the basic provisions of these three laws.
Video Series: Interacting with Law Enforcement and Other First Responders
This video series from the Arc of Northern Virginia offers practical tips for people with disabilities, police officers, and other first responders. Check out our Criminal Justice playlist on YouTube to find videos on Talking with Police, Traffic Stops, Calling 911, and Comfort Kits. The Arc of Northern Virginia also has a great resource library on disability and criminal justice.