Creating an Accessible Recreational Gaming Event (1-25-23)

Games can be a tremendously enriching experience for people of all ages and abilities. As the board game industry has expanded and diversified their products for a broader audience, there is wider application for educational and community recreational programming. Unfortunately, inaccessible design too often limits interest in game-related community events. In this session, you will learn to plan and execute a recreational gaming event focused on welcoming all players through the careful selection of games, solid documentation, and the use of assistive technology. While no single game can be universally accessible, it is possible to plan a universally accessible gaming event.

Presenters: Angie Brunk and Dan Ireton, Academic Services Librarians for the Hale Library at Kansas State University


Accessible Gaming (1 slide per page)


Accessible Gaming (2 slides per page)


Accessible Gaming (3 slides per page)