Serving Customers with Disabilities

This brief presentation on interacting with people with disabilities is designed for customer service staff and can be used independently or with a group.

PowerPoint Presentation

Serving Customers with Disabilities

Serving Customers with Disabilities (slide show)

Handouts and Supplementary Material

At Your Service, 20 minute film on serving customers with disabilities, available in English and Spanish

Quick Tips: Customer Service for Front Line Staff and Consejos Rápidos – Servicio al Cliente

ADA 2010 Revised Requirements: Service Animals

Frequently Asked Questions about Service Animals and the ADA

Fact Sheet: Food Service: Accommodating Diners with Disabilities (ADANN) and Hoja de Datos: Servicios De Comida: Cómo Ajustarlos a Comensales Con Discapacidades (ADANN)

Choose supplementary materials that suit your audience, and check out the “Customer Service” section of the Publications collection on our Hospitality and Disability site for more information that may be of interest to customer service staff or management, including more detailed information on serving individuals with disabilities and tax incentives for improving access.