We post our bi-weekly bulletin to keep you up to date on disability-related resources, news, and other items of interest. This information is being provided solely for non-commercial, nonprofit educational purposes, including news reporting and research. It is not intended for commercial purposes. Further, we understand that our readers generally read the articles and information online, at the websites provided in the hyperlinks, rather than relying solely on our synopses or copies. We are not responsible for the accessibility or the content of other websites. Please be aware that some links provided are time sensitive, and may become inactive at any time.
We include links to articles, editorials and opinion pieces, press releases, and other materials that represent diverse perspectives. Inclusion does not imply endorsement of any products, services, sources, information, or opinions expressed in these materials.
Technology News
Is AI the Next Big Thing in Disability and Rehabilitation Research?
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds promise for supporting independence for people with disabilities, and researchers and developers are exploring a wide variety of ways AI may enhance learning, communication, health management, and employment.
Health and Wellness News
“Eye on America: Nursing Home Quality Concerns, and Providing Support to Family Caregivers”
This video report on rising concerns about the quality of care given at nursing homes run by for-profit companies also highlights a group that’s creating much-needed connections and emotional support for family caregivers.
NIMH Toolkit for Suicide Prevention Month
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) at the National Institutes of Health introduced this digital toolkit for Suicide Prevention Month in September. The toolkit includes sample content for social media and email campaigns to raise awareness about suicide prevention.
Sports and Recreation News
Check out the videos and stories that highlight the excitement and achievements at the Paralympics.
Training, Events, and Opportunities to Participate
Seeking Participants for Study on Employment of Older Workers with Disabilities
The Mid-Atlantic ADA Center is seeking individuals to interview in order to gain insights on understanding of the Americans with Disabilities Act and workplace accommodations. You must be age 55 or older and identify as having a disability to participate; you do not need to live in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Each interview is expected to last between 30 and 45 minutes, and information shared will remain confidential. As a token of appreciation, participants will receive a $25 Amazon gift card upon completion of the interview. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center at 301-217-0124.
Webinar Series: Building Your Customer Base by Improving Access for People with Disabilities
Part 1: A Welcoming Storefront: Making Your Business More Accessible for Customers with Disabilities
September 25, 2024
12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.
Learn about legal requirements, design principles, and practical steps to create spaces that encourage people of all ages and abilities to come in, explore, and purchase good and services. We’ll talk about common access issues, such as accessible parking and entrances, clear routes to enter and move around facilities, sales and service counters, and other public amenities. You’ll gain valuable insights to help you ensure that all customers feel welcomed and included.
Part 2: The Virtual Storefront: Making Your Website More Accessible for Customers with Disabilities
October 2, 2024
12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.
Website accessibility is no longer an option but a legal and ethical imperative. This session will delve into the importance of making websites inclusive for people with disabilities. You’ll gain an understanding of accessibility standards, best practices, and practical tools to enhance website usability for customers with disabilities.
TRB Contest: Submit Videos That Highlight DEI Efforts in Transportation
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) invites TRB members or member agencies to submit a short video describing how their organization has advanced the values of diversity, equity and inclusion for their transportation community or within their own organization. Submissions are due November 1, 2024.
Funding Opportunity: Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program; Tribal Transit Program
Federally recognized Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages and apply for funds to purchase transit vehicles, upgrade bus facilities, and expand transportation options. Applications are due November 13, 2024.
Free Online Training for Providers: Promoting Young Adult Success in School and Work
This two-part interactive web course is for those who work with young adults with mental health conditions as they pursue career goals.