E-Bulletin: January 14, 2025

We post our bi-weekly bulletin to keep you up to date on disability-related resources, news, and other items of interest. This information is being provided solely for non-commercial, nonprofit educational purposes, including news reporting and research. It is not intended for commercial purposes. Further, we understand that our readers generally read the articles and information online, at the websites provided in the hyperlinks, rather than relying solely on our synopses or copies. We are not responsible for the accessibility or the content of other websites. Please be aware that some links provided are time sensitive, and may become inactive at any time.

We include links to articles, editorials and opinion pieces, press releases, and other materials that represent diverse perspectives. Inclusion does not imply endorsement of any products, services, sources, information, or opinions expressed in these materials.

Visit the Trainings section for more information on ADA and disability related trainings, meetings, and conferences.

General News

New Spanish Language Resources for People with Vision Disabilities

The National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision recently published a collection of materials in Spanish, including guides, fact sheets, and resource lists on employment, transportation, and technology.

EEOC Highlights How Wearable Technologies May Implicate Employment Discrimination Laws

A new fact sheet from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Wearables in the Workplace: The Use of Wearables and Other Monitoring Technology Under Federal Employment Discrimination Laws, is a reminder that employment discrimination laws apply to the collection and use of the information some wearables collect, such as an employee’s heart rate, electrical brain activity, or fatigue.

The EEOC urges employers to be careful about using data collected by wearable devices to determine sex, age, genetic information, disability, or race to take an adverse action against an employee.

State and Local Governments: First Steps Toward Complying with the ADA Title II Web and Mobile Application Accessibility Rule

This new publication from the U.S. Department of Justice offers a number of suggested action steps to help public entities plan, prepare, and prioritize the implementation of the new rule requiring accessibility to websites and mobile apps.

“Using Technology to Support the Everyday Activities of People Aging with Long-Term Disabilities”

This article highlights the use of commercially-available products to enhance social connection, wellness, and safety among people aging with disabilities.

“West Virginia Patients Left in Limbo over Changing Insurance Coverage of Obesity Meds”

This article reports on West Virginia’s employee health insurance program, which, like other state and private insurers, has stopped covering weight loss drugs due to the cost. Some patients and doctors say the “long-term savings could outweigh the cost” because weight loss drugs can help prevent serious diseases. Others say the cost is simply too high.

“Private Equity Reduces Patient Care While Enriching Investors, Senate Report Finds”

This article outlines the results of a bipartisan congressional investigation led by Sheldon Whitehouse, a Rhode Island Democrat, and Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican.

“As our investigation revealed, these financial entities are putting their own profits over patients, leading to health and safety violations, chronic understaffing, and hospital closures,” Whitehouse said in a statement. “Private equity investors have pocketed millions while driving hospitals into the ground and then selling them off, leaving towns and communities to pick up the pieces.”

“A dependable health care system is essential to the vitality of a community,” Grassley said in a statement. “As always, sunshine is the best disinfectant. This report is a step toward ensuring accountability, so that hospitals’ financial structures can best serve patients’ medical needs.” 

Beinvenidos Todos: Webinar Series in English and Spanish Will Address Services and Resources for Latinos with Disabilities

Bienvenidos Todos will host webinar presentations about disability resources and services, especially for Latinos with disabilities, their families, caregivers, advocates, and those who serve Latinos. Monthly webinars will cover disability topics, especially as they pertain to Latinos and their different residency statuses.

These webinars will be held the second Thursday of the month through March, from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. in English only and from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in Spanish only.

Find details and registration for the English sessions.

Find details and registration for the Spanish sessions.

Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA

Pacific ADA Center Virtual Conference
March 11 – 12, 2025
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Check out the options to attend this two day virtual conference, or just one of the days: the March 11th sessions are designed for emergency preparedness and management professionals, and the March 12th sessions are for hospitality industry professionals.

ADA National Symposia

The ADA National Symposia include both a virtual and an in-person symposium, each featuring a variety of sessions on the ADA and other disability-related topics. Registration is open!

Virtual ADA Symposium
May 5 – 7, 2025

In-Person ADA Symposium
June 15 – 18, 2025
Atlanta, GA

Gallaudet University Summer Youth Programs Accepting Applications

Gallaudet University offers a variety of exciting summer programs for deaf or hard of hearing students. Most programs are geared toward high school students, but some admit middle school students. Check out the options! Applications are due by May 1, 2025 for this year’s programs.

Accepting Submissions for Deaf Way Film Festival 2025

The Deaf Way Film Festival will consider submissions of both feature films and shorts, which may be narrative fiction, documentary, or hybrid. Films must come from Deaf creators (including DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and hard of hearing creators) or through collaboration between Deaf and hearing creators. Films must feature a prominent element of Deaf culture, sign language, or deafness, or have at least two cast and/or crew members who are Deaf.

The early bird deadline (with reduced submission fee) is February 3, 2025; the regular deadline is May 2, 2025.

Study: Living Longer and Stronger with SCI

The Texas Model Spinal Cord Injury System Center (TMSCIS) seeks participants for this study to test an eight-week virtual health promotion program for people aging with traumatic spinal cord injuries. Participants must be at least 45 years old or at least 15 years post-injury. For additional information or to participate call 713-797-7767 or email TIRR.LLSstudy@uth.tmc.edu.