E-Bulletin: August 13, 2024

We post our bi-weekly bulletin to keep you up to date on disability-related resources, news, and other items of interest. This information is being provided solely for non-commercial, nonprofit educational purposes, including news reporting and research. It is not intended for commercial purposes. Further, we understand that our readers generally read the articles and information online, at the websites provided in the hyperlinks, rather than relying solely on our synopses or copies. We are not responsible for the accessibility or the content of other websites. Please be aware that some links provided are time sensitive, and may become inactive at any time.

We include links to articles, editorials and opinion pieces, press releases, and other materials that represent diverse perspectives. Inclusion does not imply endorsement of any products, services, sources, information, or opinions expressed in these materials.

Visit the Trainings section for more information on ADA and disability related trainings, meetings, and conferences.

ACL: Taking Action on the Disability Community’s Most Critical and Urgent Priorities

This post from the Administration for Community Living (ACL) recounts recent activities and achievements that have expanded access and community inclusion for people with disabilities, and calls for continued commitment to make the ADA’s powerful provisions a reality for all.

Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division Celebrates Disability Pride Month

The U.S. Department of Justice honored the contributions of the disability community to the passage and implementation of the ADA, and highlighted both progress and challenges that remain to ensure equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Areas of focus include ensuring access to health care, education, technology, and voting, addressing needless criminal justice involvement for people with behavioral health disabilities, reducing unnecessary institutionalization, and ensuring that those who are in institutions, including prisons, jails, and juvenile justice facilities, are appropriately accommodated.

National Geographic: Disability Pride Around the World

This collection of stories and videos from National Geographic highlights the history and culture of disability, and features people and programs that are improving opportunities for disability inclusion.

Toolkit: Improving Inclusive Employment in Construction, Manufacturing, and Clean Energy

A new resource from the Office of Disability Employment (ODEP) in the U.S. Department of Labor, Helping Workers with Disabilities Get Ahead Through Good Jobs: A Toolkit of Practical Strategies, provides strategies and best practices to recruit, hire, retain, and advance workers with disabilities in good jobs. Though the toolkit is focused on construction, manufacturing, and clean energy industries, the information is helpful for any employers working to build equitable pathways to their workforces.

Justice Department Publishes Final Rule to Improve Access to Medical Care for People with Disabilities

The U.S Department of Justice (DOJ) announced a final rule under Title II of the ADA, addressing the accessibility of medical diagnostic equipment (MDE) used by public entities, such as hospitals and health care clinics operated by state or local governments. MDE includes equipment like medical examination tables, weight scales, dental chairs, x-ray machines and mammography machines.

The rule, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability; Accessibility of Medical Diagnostic Equipment of State and Local Government Entities, is available in the Federal Register, and a fact sheet is available on DOJ’s ADA website.

CDC Data Show Over 70 Million U.S. Adults Report Disabilities

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the annual update to the Disability and Health Data System (DHDS). More than 70 million people in the U.S., approximately 1 in 4 adults, reported having a disability in 2022. For the first time, data were collected on experiences with Long COVID, showing that Long COVID symptoms were more prevalent among people with disabilities than those without disabilities.

Inclusive Workplace Wellness Programs

Workplace wellness programs are increasingly popular, offering employees a range of classes, tools, and incentives to encourage them to set and meet goals for physical and mental health. Employees with disabilities may face barriers to participating in these programs, such as access to audio or video information in online classes or inaccessible fitness facilities or tracking apps.

The National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) collected information and resources to help employers and workers develop and participate in wellness programs that welcome and support the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Virginia: Summer 2024 Youth Training Series

Check out the virtual sessions available for Virginia students with disabilities (ages 14-22).

  • August 15: Building Self-Advocacy Skills
  • August 22: Planning for Your Future

ADAcon 2024: Inclusive Hospitality and Tourism

October 15 – 17, 2024
Wilmington, DE
This exclusive conference for hospitality, tourism, and recreation professionals will provide the keys to unlock a lucrative market by increasing accessibility and disability inclusion.

Register by August 16th and get the early bird rate!

Seeking Participants for Study on the Use of Assistance Animals in the Workplace

The Southwest ADA Center is conducting a study of workplace experiences of people with disabilities, aged 18 and up, who use service animals or emotional support animals. Participants will be interviewed by phone or Zoom, and their information will be kept confidential. Participants will be compensated for their time. For more information, please email Jocelyne Fajardo or call 713-797-7171 to schedule an interview. 

Cancer Survivors Experience Survey

The Southwest ADA Center is conducting a national survey on cancer survivors’ experiences and disability identity. This quick survey is for those over 18, who have been diagnosed with cancer,  or have a history of cancer, and reside in the U.S. Survey findings will help enhance support and awareness for cancer survivors. 

TBIMS Seeks Transgender and Non-Binary People with TBI for Advisory Group

The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Special Interest Group (IDEA SIG) within the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) seeks five volunteers who have sustained a TBI and who identify as transgender or non-binary to participate in an advisory board. Participants will review language for data collection for the TBI Model Systems Longitudinal Study, with a focus on language regarding gender identity. To learn more or to volunteer, email Mackenzie Peckham or call 303-789-8543.

Rural Transportation Voucher Interviews

The Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities seeks participants for interviews related to rural transportation vouchers. Participants must have a disability, live in a rural community, be a Center for Independent Living consumer, and use transportation vouchers. Participants will complete a 30 to 60 minute interview by phone or video. To learn more or to volunteer, email Luke Santore or call 406-243-4585.