Department of Labor (DOL)
Reasonable Accommodation Resource Center (RARC)
The RARC serves as a one-stop-shop providing and coordinating accommodations and assistive services for people with disabilities. Additionally, the Center’s Section 508 Evaluation Lab provides resources to ensure an accessible computer/electronic environment.
Department of Defense (DoD)
Computer / Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP)
CAP is the centrally funded accommodations program for employees with disabilities in the DoD and within partner agencies throughout the federal government.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Office of Workplace Diversity (OWD)
OWD addresses diversity, equal employment opportunity, and affirmative employment matters within the FCC.
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
The TARGET Center works to ensure that all USDA employees have access to electronic and information technology as well as appropriate assistive technology and worksite accommodations.
Department of Education (ED)
Assistive Technology Program
The Assistive Technology Program provides assistive technology solutions to employees with disabilities and also ensures that the agency’s electronic and information systems are accessible to members of the public with disabilities.
U.S. Department of Energy
Headquarters Accommodation Program
This program provides reasonable computer and related telecommunications accommodations to assist employees with disabilities
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Disability Resource Center
The DRC works to increase employment of people with disabilities within the Department, to coordinate accommodations for workers with disabilities, and to promote compliance with Section 508.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
People with Disabilities Employment Program
This program is designed to ensure that individuals with disabilities enjoy equal opportunity in all aspects of employment within the VA, including intern programs, promotions, training, and reasonable accommodation.